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Add automatically Catch-All addresses as Send-from addresses in Exchange Online

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English Azure Expert Exchange PowerShell
rOger Eisenecher
Author ::..
rOger Eisenecher
> 12 years leading and building a SOC for MSSP • > 20 years working in security • > 40 years working with IT • 100% tech nerd.
Table of Contents

In previous post I wrote about several possibilities to automate tasks in Azure. In this post I will show you an additional possibility to automate tasks in a cloud native environment with the help of Automation Account.


Companies have often the requirement to have a Catch-All email setup. This means that each email address in an organization where no mailbox exist gets forwarded to a specified mailbox, eg. If you want to setup your environment to support Catch-All follow the instructions on

This blog post is now about the functionality that you can send emails with such a Catch-All address. It sounds easy; but in reality you have to do multiple steps before you are able to send emails with such a Catch-All address:

  1. Enable OWA to show From field so you are able to select a different sender address
  2. Add specific Catch-All address to the specific user mailbox

The first task is a one-time setting and is easy done and can be read here - but task 2 has to be done for every Catch-All address you want to use. This is a tedious task and perfect candidate for an automation.

In the following description following assumptions are made:

  • Recipient domain is
  • Catch-All setup for Exchange Online is done, recipient mailbox is rOger@plnx[.]ch


It is always a good idea to make a plan what and how you want to achieve a goal. Here is the plan:

  • Fetch email addresses targeted in the recipient domain
  • Check if one of those email addresses does not exist
  • If such an email address is found add it to the given recipient mailbox This procedure gets repeated as an example every day.
graph LR A[Fetch email addresses] --> B(email address does exist) B -- No --> C(Add email address) B -- Yes --> B subgraph for each email address found B C end

Another great tip is to create your PowerShell code first locally. It is easier to debug and your are faster to fix stuff. Of course you have to do some adaption, eg. Managed Identities are not available - but you can replace it with your or an specific account with proper permissions during development.

The PowerShell code

Here is the basic PowerShell code to accomplish the tasks I outlined above. You can test it locally from your local PowerShell environment. As prerequisits following modules have to be installed: ExchangeOnlineManagement (at the time of writing version 3.1.0).

To use this PowerShell you need:

  • API Permission: Exchange.ManageAsApp (to add email addresses to recipient mailbox)
  • Assigned Role: Exchange Administrator (needed to manipulate email addresses)
# PowerShell Script to check Exchange Online Message Traces for new Email Addresses
$emailDomain = ""
$sender4alias = "rOger@plnx[.]ch" # of course replace [.] with .

Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName <admin account>
# Connect-ExchangeOnline -ManagedIdentity -Organization <tenant-name>

$todayDate = Get-Date
$yesterdayDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)

$emailAddresses = ""
$mailboxes = Get-Mailbox

# Get all existing email addresses in organization
foreach ($mailbox in $mailboxes) {
    foreach ($emailAddress in $mailbox.EmailAddresses) {
        if ($emailAddress.toLower().StartsWith("smtp:") -and $emailAddress.toLower().EndsWith($emailDomain)) {
            $emailAddresses = $emailAddresses + $emailAddress.toLower() -replace "smtp:",""
            $emailAddresses = $emailAddresses + "`n"

# Fetch email addresses targeted in the recipient domain 
$messages = Get-MessageTrace -StartDate $yesterdayDate -EndDate $todayDate -RecipientAddress "*$emailDomain"

foreach ($message in $messages) {
    $recipient = $message.RecipientAddress.toLower()
    if (!$emailAddresses.Contains($recipient)) {
        Write-Host "$recipient DOES NOT exist; we add it to recipient mailbox!"
        Set-Mailbox $sender4alias -EmailAddresses @{add=$recipient}


Simple, isn’t it?

Automate it in the Cloud

Due we have now the basics the next step is to get it up and running in the cloud. This can be divided again in steps:

  • Prepare and activate an Automation Account incl. Managed Identity
  • Add required modules (additional ones which are not available by default)
  • Assign proper permission and roles to the Managed Identity
  • Create a Runbook
  • Create a Schedule

Prepare Automation Account

  • Log in to Azure Portal
  • Search for Automation Account
  • Create a new one:
    • Basics
      • Specify Subscription
      • Specify a resource group
      • Specify a automation account name: aa-exo (I use a single Automation Account for all Exchange Automations)
      • Specify a region
    • Advanced
      • Managed Identities: System assigned (should be pre-selected)
    • Networking
      • Connectivity configuration: Public access (should be pre-selected)
    • if validation passed hit Create

Summary of Automation Account creation.

Add required modules

By default only some default PowerShell modules are pre-installed. Due we operate with the ExchangeOnlineModule we have to install it so it is available in our PowerShell script.

Go to your Automation Account aa-exo:

  • Navigate to Modules
  • Hit Add a module - a new window appear:
    • Upload a module file: Browse from gallery
    • Powershell module file: Hit on the link Click here to browse from gallery and search for module ExchangeOnlineManagement
    • Specify runtime version (must match your PowerShell version): 5.1 in our case
    • Hit Import - it will take some time until module is imported

Browse gallery for module ExchangeOnlineManagement and click on it, then hit Select.

Summary of adding module. Hit Import to finish adding module.

Check import status of the module and make sure that it shows Available. In the screenshot you see Importing - you have to wait until import is finished.

Assign permissions and roles

Use the following script to assign required permission to your Managed Identity (replace the one in the script with your Id).

$managedIdentityId = '8396e306-2331-3422-8b47-f23dfbeefadf'
$myPermissions = "Exchange.ManageAsApp", ""

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'Application.ReadWrite.All,AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All'

$msi = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter "Id eq '$managedIdentityId'"

$exo = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter "AppId eq '00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000'"

foreach ($myPerm in $myPermissions) {
  $permission = $exo.AppRoles `
      | where Value -Like $myPerm `
      | Select-Object -First 1

  if ($permission) {
    New-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment `
        -ServicePrincipalId $msi.Id `
        -AppRoleId $permission.Id `
        -PrincipalId $msi.Id `
        -ResourceId $exo.Id


As final task you have to assign the role Exchange Administrator to the Managed Identity.

Adding role Exchange Administrator to our Managed Identity aa-exo.

Create Runbook

  • Navigate to Runbooks
  • Select Create Runbook
  • Fill in necessary information:
    • Name: ExoCheckNewAliases
    • Runbook type: PowerShell (due we just use a plain PowerShell)
    • Runtime version: 5.1 (of course you should use a newer version; but I had some troubles last time using eg. version 7.1)
    • Description: Adding a nice description is a good habit
  • Hit Create

Create runbook for the PowerShell script.

Now you get an editor where you can fill in your code. Just paste the code from above into the editor.

Make sure that you change the following lines in your code (comment out authentication with user account - activate authentication with Managed Identity):

# Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName <admin account>
Connect-ExchangeOnline -ManagedIdentity -Organization <tenant-name>

Runbook editor with our PowerShell code.

If you edit a Runbook you have to make sure that you save it. Then you can switch to the Test pane to make a test run. If you are happy with your test run you can close the Test pane and Publish the new runbook. From that point on the new Runbook will be used (if already referenced from a Schedule - see below).

Create Schedule

Now as last piece you have to create a schedule so your Runbook gets called in defined intervals. After you created your schedule you have just to link it to your Runbook and you are done.

  • Navigate to Scheudles
  • Select Add a schedule
  • Fill in necessary information:
    • Name: Every Hour
    • Description: Give an appropriate description
    • Starts: let the filled in start date
    • Time zone: does not matter for our scenario
    • Recurrence: Recurring
    • Recur every: 1 Hour
    • Set Expiration: No
  • Hit Create

Schedule for every hour to call our Runbook later.

Overview over all Schedules - now including our newly created schedule Every Hour.

Now you have to link your Runbook to the schedule:

  • Navigate to your Runbook
  • Hit on Link to schedule
  • Select your created schedule Every Hour
  • Hit Ok

Linking schedule to your Runbook.

Final result

Now we have a PowerShell script running Cloud native with a Managed Identity in use which is using Automation Account. Everytime you get an email to an non existing email address due your Catch-All configuration automatically an alias address (or so called proxy address) is added to the given account.


What costs will be generated?

Up to 500 minutes runtime per subscription is free of charge. The consumption is depending on your schedule and size of your organization.

A simple example: if the runtime is one minute and you let the PowerShell script run every hour it will use 1 min/run x 24 hours/day x 30 days you will consume approximatly 720 minutes; 500 minutes are free so you will be charged for 220 minutes (typical $0.002/minute ) $0.44 per month.

Why not using Logic App?

The reason is simple: even accessing message trace logs is possible from an Logic App by using raw HTTP calls it is not possible to add email proxy addresses (there is no public API available for that, Graph API has only Read-Only access to this property).

Logic App Step to fetch data from message trace log.

Corresponding Web URL to fetch data:$format=JSON&$select=RecipientAddress

How to determine which roles needed for specific Cmdlet?

For required Exchange Online Roles use the Cmdlet Get-ManagementRole. Below you see the calls for Cmdlets Get-MessageTrace and Set-Mailbox.

It is always good practice to use least privilege to fullfill a task.

PS C:\Users\rOger> Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName <admin account>

PS C:\Users\rOger> $perms = Get-ManagementRole -Cmdlet Get-MessageTrace
PS C:\Users\rOger> $perms

Name                 RoleType
----                 --------
Compliance Admin     ComplianceAdmin
Data Loss Prevention DataLossPrevention
Security Admin       SecurityAdmin
Security Reader      SecurityReader
View-Only Recipients ViewOnlyRecipients

PS C:\Users\rOger> $perms = Get-ManagementRole -Cmdlet Set-Mailbox
PS C:\Users\rOger> $perms

Name                 RoleType
----                 --------
Audit Logs           AuditLogs
Legal Hold           LegalHold
Mail Recipients      MailRecipients
MyBaseOptions        MyBaseOptions
MyMailboxDelegation  MyMailboxDelegation
MyProfileInformation MyProfileInformation
MyDisplayName        MyProfileInformation
Public Folders       PublicFolders
Reset Password       ResetPassword
Retention Management RetentionManagement
User Options         UserOptions

PS C:\Users\rOger>

Minimal Exchange Roles

As you saw the Automation Account needs extensive rights to operate on mailbox settings. Note that on Exchange following roles would be sufficient:

  • Mail Recipients (to manipulate email addresses)
  • View-Only Recipients (to fetch message trace)

But unfortunatly those are not dedicated available to be assigned to a Managed Identity. Probably someone has a hint how to do it?

PowerShell Error regarding interactive prompt

If you encounter an issue regarding an interactive prompt to fetch additional files add following line at top of the PowerShell script:

$ConfirmPreference = "None"

References and further reading

Here are some links: